Monday, November 29, 2010

It begins

So, while munching on a deer heart, I have decided to start a blog of my own.  Between college, work, real life, etc...  I will try to do the regular updates and what not that everyone else does.  An intro to myself; I live in the Upper Midwest, grew up on a farm, and was a bit on the crazy side as a kid. Think unmedicated ADD until the 9th grade.  Now a days, it is a contained crazy, which any of my friends and family could tell you.

Why did I create a blog?  In part, I just wanted to experience what it is like to right one.  I knew what it is, but I feel a little like Jethro Gibbs from NCIS when faced with technology.  Growing up, our house didn't have a computer that I could use freely until I was in the 5th gradeish?  So although I'm not crippled when I have to use the computer, it not ingrained in my cerebral cortex how everything works.

Edit:  Found the fish.  They are my new favorite toy.  I have fish in real life, although they are not nearly as fun to feed.  A giant goldfish a friend didn't want anymore, I can't remember it's name, a male guppy named Roy, as G. and Biv both died, and an albino Cory that I refuse to love named Cory.

If you are wondering what I am doing, RIGHT NOW, it involves soaking the jaw bones of deer in warm water.  I have an assignment due this week in which the professor said, "do it on whatever you want."  So I'm going to make a demonstration for children on how to tell the approximate age of a deer based on the wear and tooth structure in its mouth.  I am probably going to base it off of this website  as it is right and easy to follow.

And while I'm posting websites, check out this one:  It is a better waste of time then facebook, I swear.

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